Turbo Tax Online Is a Winner!

I have done my own taxes online for as long as I can remember. I rarely file my state tax return online simply because I hardly ever get anything back – and its just not worth paying $20 or more to get $5 back – see what I’m saying?

I have, for years, been a diehard H&R Block fan and used their online tax filing service. The Man Thing has done the refund anticipation loan through their local office for the past three to four years – usually to help us out financially with the Christmas season or to take care of some pressing bill because of the Christmas season (not having enough cash to go around). After last year’s fiasco; however, I told him we were never using H&R Block again.

boycott hrblockH&R Block charged him $300 to prepare his state and federal tax refund, and to give him the refund anticipation loan. They charged him $50 per page per additional tax form (such as earned income credit and child tax credit). I filed his taxes this year using Turbo Tax Online for absolutely NOTHING. Not only that – but I’ve managed to get him TWICE the amount of refund that he got last year. He’s a very happy camper indeed!

I sat here and punched in the information – the same friggin way that the H&R Block rep did – and it didn’t cost $300. The online program is super simple to use, they walk you through every step of the return, and there are help buttons throughout to give you additional information for something you might not understand. Anyone in any tax bracket can use their software to file their taxes and I would highly recommend it to everyone. To get started – just go to www.turbotax.com.

Now I need to go and discuss my “fee” with the man thing for saving him so much money this year!!!


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