Turning Your Second Property Into A Second Home

Turning Your Second Property Into A Second Home - Perfect Holiday Home

In the interior design branch, it is impossible to consider living in a place that has been kept untouched since the day of its purchase. If you have visited newly built properties before, you probably have a very clear image of what a neutral and non-existent decor looks like. The walls tend to be painted in a magnolia or cream shade; the doors are white and all together; the property feels a little cold and distant despite the presence of a high-quality heating unit.

That’s because a property that hasn’t been decorated misses the human touch: it doesn’t look like it’s been lived in – admittedly new builds have not been lived in – or like it would be emotionally safe for people to move in. A naked property is nothing but a great big box, consisting of walls and a roof. If it’s your primary home, it will gradually evolve as you shape it to your taste: a modern and trendy sofa here, a square table there, a frame on the wall, etc. As you see the rooms everyday, you develop a bond with the home and express it through your choice of interior design.

But if you have a second property – say if you have a holiday house – you may never spend enough time there to develop this essential bond. And without decor, your holiday house will never have the welcoming appeal of a second home away.

Turning Your Second Property Into A Second Home - Perfect Holiday Home


Needless to say, your home decor matters as it will have a direct impact on how you feel in your home, and whether you feel at home or not. If you’re still new to this world, the decor is defined by a variety of elements that are inherent to your house interior:

  • Whether or not the decor accommodates your preferences and your lifestyle – therefore it’s important to define your specific vision before you start decorating, from vintage, modern, to rustic styles.
  • The type of color and lighting that you choose as they influence your mood – everybody knows that a dark room can affect your mental negatively if it isn’t done with taste.
  • The layout of your space and its functionality.
  • The kind of furniture and accessories that you choose in terms of shape, color, and size


As said above, it’s likely that you will need to consider a decor strategy for your holiday property, as these can feel a little impersonal from the lack of regular occupation. If you’ve inherited a cozy little wood cabin from your grandfather, or any old house that used to be part of your family before you got your hands on it, your first action will be to define which elements you want to keep and which ones have to go.

The decision of getting rid of old furniture or items is easier for homeowners who have purchased an old holiday house without an intimate knowledge of its past story. If you want a fresh start, you might be interested in the opportunity of a new property launch, which is the equivalent of a new built but for your holiday. What it lacks in personality, it has in quality of built and structure – which is advantageous as you don’t want to use your first decoration budget on maintenance projects.


Turning Your Second Property Into A Second Home - What's Your Color Palette

Surprisingly enough, the last question that new homeowners ask themselves when they consider decorating a holiday home is what color palette to choose. More often than not, the property is rapidly filled with functional and inexpensive furniture before homeowners even consider the matter of decor. This needs to end!

You have to choose a color palette to create a stylish home that you will love to spend time in. Designers follow specific rules when picking the right palette. If you’ve got a large patterned piece, such as a sofa or a rug, try to pick colors you like from the pattern to harmonize the room. You can use a degradé of color for a room, using dark for the floor and light shades for the ceiling. If you’re not sure which colors you like, take a cue from your wardrobe: Most people buy clothes in colors that flatter them.


Thankfully, holiday homes are not used all year round, which means that you’ve got more time to decide on the furniture and accessories you want to use. If you can, wait for the big sale season at one of your favorite furniture designers to select decorative and elegant elements that you’ll love to look at, day after day. In short, you may love the appeal of a cheap second-hand table from Gumtree or eBay, but you want to invest in quality. Your holiday home can only be homely if you care to invest in its decor.


Finally, it’s YOUR holiday home, which means that it should suit your taste. While interior design magazines are inspiring, there’s no point in reproducing the decor of the inner pages if it doesn’t reflect your personality. Did you know that the Myers-Briggs personality test can be useful to define the kind of interior decor that works for you? The ISFJ personality is quiet and conscientious and needs an orderly environment at home. In short, you can forget the retro posters and mismatched chairs. You crave harmony. The ENTP type is the kind of person who is bored by routine and develops new interests all the time. Be prepared to purchase furniture that you can move from room to room and to always keep a painting brush.


Have you considered looking for a concierge service to keep the property maintained and looked after when you’re not around? A concierge, or a real estate agent if you choose to let your home to holidaymakers, can ensure that your property stays clean and that there’s no risk of bad surprise when you visit – from unwanted rodents to a broken window.

In short, bring home to your holiday house, with the right choice of decor for your personality to create a stylish and welcoming place. The decor gives your holiday home a heart.

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