Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

I am so excited to be participating in the 5MinutesforMom.com Ultimate Blog Party 2013 this year! I’ve attended past blog parties and had so much fun, met so many wonderful people and bloggers that have become lasting friends and mentors! I do hope that you will join in (there’s still time – the event runs through April 12th) and enjoy the festivities and the awesome prizes as well!
What is Life in a House of Testostosterone?
Life in a House of Testosterone (LiaH for short) is all about my life as a mom to two wonderful testosterone carriers and wife to their father, aka The Man Thing (or TMT for short).

I have been blogging since 2004, starting out basically as just doing online journaling about my day and sharing it with select friends and family. As my writing and posting intensified, so did my following. I’ve changed names many times over the years, and finally came up with this name that just sums up everything in six little words. You may remember me from past blog parties as “The MAD White Woman” or TMWW for short. (I seem to always pick long titles and then shorten them to just initials!!)

My blog is still geared towards sharing what is going on in this crazy household, but I also talk about social awareness and subjects that are near and dear to my heart. In addition, I actively participate in giveaways and reviews of various products and books, and work with a very select group of advertisers. I don’t advertise anything that I would not (or have not) purchased myself. So if you see something reviewed or advertised here – you can rest assured that it is a product well worth your time and effort to check out if you are interested! I also post about what life is like raising a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). I do not have the answers to the why, how, or what of either of these disorders – but I do have a broad set of shoulders for other parents dealing with the same issues to cry on and bend an ear if need be.

Been There. Done That. Enough Said.

The Testosterone behind Life in a House of Testosterone

These are my beloved “testosterone carriers” and their penguin mascots:

Jonathan and Tre – My Two Sweet Peas (Sometimes!)
How could anyone not just fall in love with those two adorable faces? Jonathan is 13 and my ADHD/ODD child. Hitting puberty has “chilled” him out somewhat – some days. Tre is 10 (just turned March 16th) and my (what I like to call) split-personality child. Sweet and innocent one minute and the next minute he’s fighting like a caged lion (usually with Jonathan). People tell me that brothers do that, and I remember fighting like cats and dogs with my brother – but not like these two go at it sometimes!

This is my hubby, John:

The Man Thing aka TMT
Hubby doesn’t like having his photo on the Internet, but this image is him to a perfect “T” – the only thing missing is a tool belt slung over the other shoulder and yep, that about sums up hubby!
The Estrogen Carriers behind Life in a House of Testosterone

This is me – your friendly resident nutcase, blogging about anything and everything. Quirky, silly, the glass is always half-full kinda gal – that’s how I would describe myself:

Kim aka the crazy woman duct-taped to the chair in the corner
Last but not least, our beloved little MoMo (aka Mollyanna). (Do female dogs have estrogen? Well even if she doesn’t, she’s still a girl so estrogen carrier she shall be labeled!) MoMo is a Jack Russell and Chihuahua mix dog that The Man Thing spoils worse than the kids – seriously. This dog waits for him at the kitchen – every single morning – to get her 2 Beggin Strips and 2 teeny sausage link treats before he walks out the door. If he someone *escapes* before she gets them – she will bark at him as if she is yelling at him when he walks in the door. No lie! I fully expect her to start talking human any day now.

Killer Guard Dog Extraordinaire!
So there you have it, a little info about me and mine! I hope that you’ve enjoyed the read! Please leave a comment below and be sure to check out 5MinutesforMom for all of the fun and festivities that are going on during the Ultimate Blog Party 2013!
Thanks for visiting!!!

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