Verizon Wireless and Slickdeals: Save Money on Cellular Now

verizon wireless, slickdeals, save money, stay connected

Our family has tried all of the major cellphone carriers – Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile/Sprint – you name it, we’ve had ’em. The one constant that we always come back to is Verizon Wireless.

We live in Richmond, VA and we travel as far south as Virginia Beach and as far north as Vermont. In the past, we’ve had issues with being able to get a signal to our cellphones in several different places, but with Verizon? We are always connected no matter where we travel.

It’s the main reason we continue with their service – so we never have to worry about being stranded on a country road without service.

Stranded Without Service – Other Carriers

stranded without cellphone service

Many years ago, when 4G was only offered in certain areas and relatively new, I was traveling in New Hampshire through several small towns where I had no service at all. Not something a single mother with two small children needed and this company that would disconnect you in an instant if you were a day or two late with a payment.

Several years ago, we broke down on a deserted stretch of beach here in Virginia in the wee hours of the morning. The car wouldn’t start, and we didn’t have a backup key. Nothing was wrong with the vehicle, our key fob had taken a dip in the ocean with our youngest son and was waterlogged and would not start the car.

We had no way to contact AAA or local towing services to get our car to a hotel for the night because this service had no towers in the area. We were stuck. 4 people in a car who were hungry, tired, and had sand coming out of every part of our body. Needless to say, we weren’t the most pleasant to be around at that particular moment in time. It also happened to be one of the times we had phone service with those other guys.

As soon as we were able to get back home (hubby worked some magic to get the key fob dried enough to start the car after about 2 hours) the first thing we did the next day is switch to Verizon Wireless. We have been pleased with their services and have never considered going with another carrier again. With Verizon Wireless, we know we are covered, no matter where we travel.

verizon wireless, slickdeals, save money, stay connected

Slickdeals and Verizon

In our family, hubby is the only one who has an Android phone. The rest are team iPhone. It was a challenge to get him on board with an Android because, for years after smartphones became available and popular, he was still a flip-phone diehard user. He doesn’t text, he simply snaps photos and makes phone calls. When we finally took him to the Verizon Wireless store to pick out an Android smartphone to replace his flip-phone we inadvertently opened up a whole new can of worms. Hubby discovered Facebook and Facebook Marketplace. We can’t get him off either of them now.

Now that he has shown interest in getting the latest iPhone, we looked at several different ways to get him one and as usual, Slickdeals came to the rescue with this amazing offer for an iPhone 11 at just $15 a month.

With the economic crisis that most Americans are dealing with due to the coronavirus pandemic, it pays to shop smart and save. Slickdeals has a killer offer available RIGHT NOW that gives you $600 off with Trade-In + Free Activation, Unlimited plans are available for as low as $30 a month with this Nurses Exclusive discount and so many more great deals!

Check out the Slickdeals Verizon Wireless coupon center and get shopping today!

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