What Does It Take to Live a Long and Healthy Life?

What Does it Take to Live a Long and Happy Life feature

We only ever get one body, and to live a long and happy life it’s crucial that we take care of it. As humans we’re prone to all kinds of diseases and illnesses, and while some are unavoidable – many we can actually prevent by looking after ourselves in the right way.

When you’re young and feel healthy it can be difficult to imagine life any other way, but we all need to be taking steps to protect our health. In years to come, this will be added time you will have to spend with children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren if you’re lucky. Here are some ideas for maintaining good health!

Go to All of Your Health Appointments

What Does It Take to Live a Long and Happy Life - Go To All Your Doctor Appointments

None of us particularly like being prodded and poked, weighed and our lifestyles put under scrutiny, but it’s important to attend all of your doctors appointments (and be truthful at them). Health professionals aren’t there to judge, all they want is to ensure you’re fit and well and that you’re making good choices. Yearly physicals, cancer screenings and other appointments should all be attended.

Dentist and optician appointments are also important. You might not think these link directly to your health, but as well as keeping your eyes and teeth in check, dentists and opticians can actually spot potential problems. For example, issues with your gums can lead to heart problems due to certain types of bacteria entering your bloodstream. Opticians can see changes in the back of the eye that indicate serious issues in the body.

By attending all of your appointments it just gives you peace of mind that everything is working as it should be and any problems are spotted at the earliest and treatable stages. Any doctor or hospice will tell you that it’s not all elderly people that are admitted. Sadly, lots of people die each year due to preventable reasons, so don’t let this be you.

Know Your Body and What’s Normal For You

What Does It Take to Live a Long and Happy Life - Self Examination

What’s ‘normal’ for one person’s body might not be for another- after all, we’re all different. The trick is to be in tune with your body and know what’s right for you. Self examination can go a long way. Keep an eye out for skin discoloration, lumps and bumps, changes in digestion or other issues. That way if you do notice something out of the ordinary, you can have it checked quickly.

Stay Out of Danger

What Does It Take to Live a Long and Happy Life - Wear a Seatbelt
Cynthia Bevel demonstrates proper seatbelt safety before operating her vehicle at Arnold Air Force Base.

As well as getting ill, lots of people are lost or badly injured each year due to accidents. The human body might be resilient but it’s not indestructible, and with things like machinery, fast moving vehicles, toxic chemicals and everything else, it’s easier than ever to come into contact with danger these days. Stay alert, and never put yourself in danger. Wear a seatbelt, follow safety instructions and make sure you have proper training if you’re in control of any kind of vehicle or machinery. The last thing you want is to hurt yourself or someone else.

What are some tips you can share on living a happy and successful life? Is there something that has worked well for you that you would like to share?

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