Mummy Makeover is Becoming Popular

Plastic or cosmetic surgery has been with us for a long time now and most of us know at least one person who’s had rhinoplasty (or a nose job), or a breast augmentation (boob job). There’s also Botox, liposuction, tummy tucks, arm tucks, eyebrow lifts and many other procedures than can help to restore the face and body to its former glory or correct nature’s little mishaps.

The Mummy Makeover

The wealth of different surgeries means that many procedures can be combined to offer excellent results in a relatively short period of time. Think about it – fewer anaesthetics, just one or two recuperation periods, fewer risks, less time off work and, often, less expense. The Mummy Makeover is a combination of procedures including the tummy tuck, breast surgery (a lift, a reduction or an augmentation), an arm lift, liposuction and a thigh lift.

This procedure is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, with many women in Manchester opting for a Mummy Makeover at Gary L Ross or with similarly-experienced plastic surgeons. (You can see before and after photos on Gary Ross’ website by the way! Just click on Mummy Makeover)

Pregnancy isn’t the end

Previous generations of women just accepted that fact that pregnancy sometimes “ruined” their bodies – causing stretchmarks, sagging abdomen and breasts, as well as stubborn weight gain and even pelvic floor problems. These issues were seen as a woman’s lot and the price they paid for their beautiful children.

Thankfully, times have changed and women are no longer expected to give up their glamour and physical fitness just because they become mothers. The increase of women in the workplace has had a profound effect on women’s confidence, visibility, spending power and self-determination and so if a woman wants to reclaim her old jeans, she can!

Exercise and diet can only go so far

Sometimes, however, a woman’s body is so affected and changed by pregnancy that even a strict diet and exercise regime can’t repair or restore it. A common problem, especially in closely-spaces or multiple pregnancies is the separation of the abdominal muscles. This condition, known as diastasis recti, causes the abdominal muscles to weaken and pouch out, affecting the core muscles and strength. This in turn can cause back problems. Exercise can help the muscles to knit back together, but sometimes surgery is needed for the final closure.

Then there’s the stretching – the abdomen can get very big indeed; after all, there’s at least one other person in there! This can, after birth, result in sagging skin on the abdomen, as well as on the thighs and arms if there was significant weight gain. The thing about skin that’s stretched and has lost its elasticity is that it doesn’t ping back. A woman can get back to her pre-pregnancy weight, but be left with loose upper arms, loose thighs and an apron of abdominal skin that hangs down, no matter how many crunches she does.

Restoring balance

How the body responds to pregnancy is something of a lottery – there are women who have several children and never see so much as a stretch mark. Others aren’t so lucky and this can seem just plain unfair. It probably is unfair, so it’s fortunate that there are surgical options for women to get back their pre-pregnancy bodies once they’ve finished having children.

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