What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?

what would you do if you won the lottery

I love playing the lottery. My game of chance is playing scratch-off tickets. I have a system that I use, but it depends on how the vendor where you purchase your tickets puts them into the case. If they put them in backward (meaning if the highest-numbered ticket is the last ticket pulled from the roll) then it doesn’t work. My system only works when the last ticket pulled from the roll is 0. Using my system I’ve been lucky enough to have won $100, $300 and I’ve even won $500 before. Talk about a rush of excitement!

what would you do if you won the lottery

I’ve also played the MegaMillions and the PowerBall games. Can you imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve won one of these high-dollar lottery jackpots? Oh my gosh, I think I would faint.

It’s a dream we’ve all had before, and we all wish that we’d be lucky enough to win it. Obviously, the chances of winning the lottery are staggeringly slim. However, someone has to win it at some point! It could be you one day, so what would you do if you won? It’s a question I think we’ve all pondered at some point, but aside from screaming and shouting for days on end celebrating, what would you do with your winnings? Would you…

Pay off all your debts?

You’ve got millions of dollars, so it’s the perfect chance to get rid of all the stupid debts you’ve had on your financial file for years. That includes mortgages, student loans, credit card debts, payday loans, and any other money you owe. Finally, you’ve achieved true financial independence; you no longer owe money to anyone!

Treat your family?

Have you always wanted to give back to your family, particularly your parents? Winning the lottery could be the perfect opportunity to do this. You can buy them a house, take them on an expensive holiday, get your dad the car they’ve always dreamed of. So many options present themselves, but the general idea is that you use your winnings to treat those around you. 

Invest your winnings?

It’s hardly the most extravagant idea, but it’s probably the best. Lottery winnings can very quickly run dry if you don’t use them correctly. You’ve been blessed with more money than most people will have in their entire lives. This is why there are companies like Prio Wealth Management to help people with a lot of money. You need to learn how to manage your wealth, and part of this involves investing your winnings so you still generate a flow of income. You could invest in property, businesses – anything you want!

Donate to charity?

Like me, you’ve probably seen millionaires on TV and wondered why they aren’t donating loads of their money to charity. Well, you’re finally in a position to do this! You can donate a lot of your winnings to charities around the world that mean something to you. After all, you were lucky enough to win the money, so why don’t you share the luck with those in need?

Treat yourself?

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with treating yourself after winning the lottery. I know a lot of us will instantly go to buy something we’ve been eyeing up for many months. You might buy a new house, a new car, a new fridge, a new sofa, some designed shoes – the list goes on and on. Your whole life has been spent saving money and being frugal, so why don’t you treat yourself a little bit? 

As for me personally, these are the things I have always dreamed of doing if I won the lottery:

  • Hire a financial consultant;
  • I would put 1/3 of my winnings into investments to keep a steady income coming in;
  • I would give each of my sons $100,000 to get on their feet;
  • I would set up a trust for my two granddaughters of $100,000 each;
  • I would give my sister $100,000 to do with what she wanted;
  • I would purchase a piece of property here in Virginia and build a tiny home for my husband and I along with a huge garage so he could build his dream drag race car;
  • I would purchase another piece of property in Pennsylvania near our ancestral home, or on our ancestral home property, and build two tiny homes there so my sister and I could spend time there whenever we wanted;
  • I would buy myself a drive camper so that I could explore every inch of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America;
  • I would buy myself a Kia Niro electric car that I would tow behind the camper to explore the places I visit;
  • I would buy my husband a brand-new Dodge Ram pickup;
  • and any remaining money would be put into a savings account that earned a good deal of interest each month to pay for my expenses during traveling.

What else would you do if you won the lottery? These are some of the common things people do – or think about doing. Naturally, nobody can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do with your money. However, you have to be careful not to treat yourself too much. Splashing the cash on a few nice things is fine, but you don’t want to blow it all down the drain on fancy things in just a few months. 

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