Why Parents Should Help Kids Focus on Turning Their Dreams Into Reality

When I was a young girl growing up in rural Pennsylvania, I honestly did not see much in the way of a future for myself other than being a housewife if I stayed there. I didn’t want to live my life in the same place from birth to death. I wanted to travel the world, experience everything that I could, meet new people. 

My mom, step-dad, and grandparents all supported my dreams and told me to focus on turning those dreams into a reality. My dad wanted me to join the service so that I could “see the world for free” as he put it. My nana was constantly buying me books about distant lands and how the people there lived. 

Each year though, there are kids who hang up what they love and walk away. They leave the sports behind, stop playing their favorite games, quit drawing, quit building, and more. Is it because they are just growing up and seeing that the real world is unforgiving?

Yes and no. They are led to believe that, unless what they are doing is “constructive” and fits into the boxes that have been set for them by society or their own family bonds, what they want – what they are passionate about – is simply a waste of their time.

Many of those kids are walking away from their passion, rather than being taught and encouraged to follow their dreams. One celebrity, David Ankin, founder of the hit television show and successful company ToyMakerz, gives back and inspires youth to follow their dreams – because he followed his own passion and dreams to get where he is today.

David says, “There is a reason why we all have things we are passionate about. Those are your calling and you should do anything but turn your back on them.” David has met with many kids around the nation and tries to inspire them to follow those passions. He wants them to turn their dreams into a reality. The rest of the world is waiting for what they have to offer, and only when they embrace it will they be able to bring it to the forefront for everyone else to enjoy.

Ankin doesn’t just talk the talk. He’s a living example of turning a dream into a reality and the importance of following one’s passion. Having a passion for creating one-of-a-kind custom hot rods and cars, considered to be adult toys that are built for fun or speed, he took his love for these machines and built an empire. That dream turned into a reality when he started a company called ToyMakerz, where the adult toys are made, and has also been turned into a hit television show, where people can tune in and see him work his magic.

Committed to giving back, Ankin routinely gives talks to kids and their parents, with the theme focused on inspiring them to follow their dreams. Whether giving these talks at city events or at schools, his mission remains the same. He wants to let kids and their parents know that it’s OK to have a passion and that they don’t have to give it up simply because they become adults. Rather, they should embrace it and see where it will take them. 

6 Reasons Why Parents Should Help Kids Focus on Turning Their Dreams Into Reality

Why Parents Should Help Kids Focus on Turning Their Dreams Into Reality


We are happiest when we are following our passion and doing things that excite us. By getting kids to follow their passion, they will have more joy in their life.


Those who follow their passion will find their own way in the world. They can’t be told that what they want to do isn’t possible. They will use their creativity to navigate the way, even if it means clearing a new path.


The world has a way of trying to hold people back from reaching their dreams. Parents who support their kids in pursuing theirs will help to create confident kids who won’t be held back by limitations.

Work Ethic

No matter what a child’s passion may be, it will take hard work to turn it into a career. Teaching kids to work hard for what they want is a great way to build a strong work ethic.


Many adults find themselves at a standstill and wish there was something more. Kids who are taught to follow their dreams will feel as though they have been given a ticket to adventure. They are more likely to grow up to be adults who have passion for what they do.


By letting kids follow their dreams they will dive into exploring a topic they are interested in. Giving them the ability to learn more about whatever field it is they are interested in can go a long way toward sparking their creativity and expanding their education. Places like WonderWorks (a science focused indoor amusement park) is a great place for exploring STEM education and letting the imagination run wild.

“If I hadn’t followed my passion and turned my dream into a reality, I’d not be where I am today,” added Ankin. “I know the importance of following your dreams and it feels so good to do so. I’m committed to helping parents see the importance of supporting their child’s dreams and encouraging them to dream big. This is what I teach my son and hope that I’m able to inspire others.”

ToyMakerz was founded by David Ankin, who is a former stuntman who used to do stunts with motorcycles, race cars, and also at Universal Studios for their Batman and Water World shows. Watching his father use metal to build things when he was growing up inspired him to go on to do the same. Today, he has earned praise for the eccentric one-of-kind street machines that he’s built. There is nothing idle about his work. Ankin has surrounded himself with a top-notch team, starting with David Young, who is his business partner. Young manages the business side of ToyMakerz and serves as its President and CFO.  

On the set of Toymakerz

ToyMakerz partnered with Source Digital to develop an app, which is helping fans connect with the show. Enhancing the viewer experience with new digital brand integrations, the ToyMakerz app lets fans connect with the cast, score exclusive deals on anything they see on the screen while they are watching the show live, and share pictures of their own rides!

The ToyMakerz TV show is currently re-airing episodes from season 2 On Demand on Velocity. ToyMakerz season one is also available on iTunes and Amazon. ToyMakerz is produced by Los Angeles based production company, Lucky13Cinematic. For more information about ToyMakerz, visit the site at: http://toymakerz.com

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