If we’ve learned anything in 2020, it’s that healthcare workers are heroes. Across the world, healthcare workers have risked their lives at work by helping to heal those who have contracted COVID-19. This virus has killed over 500,000 people worldwide. Doctors, nurses, clerical workers, and cleaners have saved the day, helping millions of vulnerable people around the world survive this virus and return to their families.
If you’ve been inspired and awestruck by healthcare heroes during this time, you might be considering retraining as a nurse or doctor. Nursing is an incredible profession that is both rewarding and challenging at the same time.
Nurses are essential to the running of any hospital; using their skills learned at nursing school to provide the best care possible. Nurses’ work is more than just medical attention, however – they are also required to act as emotional supporters, helping patients and families get through personal crises with ease and calm.
How Do I Train As A Nurse?
Training as a nurse is different depending on your location. In the USA, a nursing degree program takes four years to complete. After those four years, you are eligible to apply for nursing jobs, but may want to continue your studies to Masters or Doctorate level. This will increase your chances of getting a nursing job and make you eligible for a higher pay grade.
The word ‘retraining’ refers to those who already have a degree qualification or career in another field, and decide to make a change and enter a new field later in life. Many people retrain from other professions, and choose nursing as their new path. Nursing is attractive to many people from all walks of life. Here are some reasons it is great to retrain as a nurse!
Life Lessons
Nursing is a profession in which two days are never the same. You can go from comforting a frightened patient to helping save somebody’s life to holding a newborn baby all in one day. This makes the job an incredible opportunity for those who seek to learn from their jobs. Instead of working in a mind-numbing office job, you get a chance to gain real-life experience.
Pay Grades
Depending on the state you live in and the qualifications you have, nursing pays better than many other professions. The average nurse in the USA takes home between $70,000-$100,000 per year. This tops other professions such as teaching, which averages around $60,000; or mechanics that average around $40,000.
Reaping the Rewards
Nursing, while a difficult job, is incredibly rewarding. Knowing you’ve contributed to the quality of a patient’s experience in hospital is amazing. Plus, you can feel the gratitude from the patients and families who you have helped to treat.
Nurses are the backbone of healthcare, and without them, hospitals could not function. With that knowledge, you can work with the motivation to better people’s lives and contribute to society as a whole.