Your Guide To House Hunting

Your Guide To House Hunting

Is there a better time of the year to look to buy a new house? Speaking from the statistics, there are, in fact, two times of year that are better than others. Can you guess which two they are?

One of them, at least for looking for homes is around Christmas. We all have time off work that allows us extra time to look into this kind of thing, as well as planning for the new year. So if you’re looking to move, right about now can be a good idea. The second best time to buy, which isn’t that far away, is around Easter. Again, we have time off work to allow us some more time to search for a property. Plus, the whole Easter season can range from the end of March to the end of April, so there is plenty of time to start looking and arranging a move as the spring weather returns.

Are you looking to move this year? If you are, then right about now is the time to start looking as well as putting your property up for sale if you are already homeowners. Then, when everything is in place, you’ll be right near to Easter to get the sale finalized and start looking for moving companies. But is it all that straightforward? Here are some tips to help you look for your dream home when we are in such a competitive market.

Your Guide To House Hunting

Check Online

With so many realtors and property sites online, it can really pay to look on them. There are even many sites that will allow you to set up alerts when homes come up in certain areas. So be sure to check regularly. Gone are the days of driving around an area until you see homes with for sale signs up in the yard, as not everyone will use those anymore. So getting online for a look is really important.

It’s actually getting more and more common to not only find listings online, but to go through the whole home purchasing process remotely. Check out these tips below to know how to do it properly!

Infographic Provided by Master Movers

Look at Google Street View

If you are able to check a street out on Google street view, then it can be really helpful. Of course, seeing the street and property in person is important. But you can eliminate some homes by checking street view. If the home is on a main road and you don’t want that, or it is right by shops or has no parking, then that can all be issues that can put you off. Plus, in order to get the best return on your investment, it pays to have the worst house on the best street (that you can do up and add value to), rather than the best house on the worst street as it will put a limit on the potential of your house price. So that is something to bear in mind when you’re looking.

What Are Your Priorities?

You need to establish what is a priority for you when you’re looking for a home. A list of things that are non-negotiable can be important when house hunting and help your realtor. So think about what is important to you; price, location, proximity to work or schools, or perhaps the amenities in the area.

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